Guidelines for Preparing a Paper
- The paper should be and include:
- Five to fifteen pages recommended (or 6,000 words including abstract, references, or charts/tables/figures);
- An abstract with no more than 250 words;
- Three to six keywords; and
- Charts and references.
- Content
- The paper should include the main ideas from the presentation rather than verbatim text of it. It should also supplement the presentation with additional reflections, audience responses, and any new ideas generated from the discussion or other conference sessions.
- When appropriate, mention ideas from earlier Proceedings. (See
- For case studies, have some statement about what the practical significance of the article -- how readers would use it.
- PowerPoint documents, simple bulleted lists without analysis, outlines, and sample documents are not appropriate for the proceedings.
- Editing
- Proceedings will be published after editorial review and approval.
- For approved articles, authors are ultimately responsible for their own editing. However, Proceedings editors will review submissions for coherence and for easily corrected changes (spelling, missing figures, a keyword change in title, etc.) we will write authors and ask if they would like us to change. If we receive no timely response, either no change will be made or if too many problems are not addressed the article may not be included.
- Format
- The body of the paper:
- Double spaced using Times New Roman 12 pt. One inch margins all around.
- The preferred format is Microsoft Word.
- References and materials cited within the body of the document should follow current APA guidelines.
- Charts and Graphs:
- Graphics should be created in such a way that they are clean and clear when viewed.
- Graphics can be gray-scale, black and white, or RGB color.
- The preferred file formats for graphics are:
- Bitmapped graphics: Adobe Photoshop® files, minimum 72 pixels per inch resolution, saved in JPEG (.jpg)or TIFF (.tif).
- Vector graphics: Adobe Illustrator files, saved in Adobe PDF format (.pdf) with the fonts embedded.
- Other formats that are usable (but may have to go through a conversion process) are: Postscript (.eps) created in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or other compatible program; and PDF (.pdf) with fonts embedded.
- Graphics created in Word, Excel, or Power Point should be converted to high resolution .jpg or .tif files.
- Do NOT send Corel Graphics files, GIF files, or files created exclusively for web use. These files will not be usable or will be of poor quality.
All Conference Proceedings submissions should be using the "Submit via Scholastica" button below:
