History of AALHE
The Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE) is an organization of practitioners interested in using effective assessment practice to document and improve student learning. As such, it serves the needs of those in higher education for whom assessment is a tool to help them understand learning and develop processes for improving it.
AALHE took shape in late 2009. Formed in part because no other organization had emerged to replace the range of resources and opportunities for interaction that the Assessment Forum of the American Association for Higher Education had offered until it closed in 2005, AALHE’s Founding Board of Directors launched this organization with the intention of providing robust online resources and a wide range of both online and face-to-face interactive opportunities.
AALHE and its website constitute a wide range of resources for all who are interested in the improvement of learning, from provosts and assessment directors who organize and manage programs, to faculty and student affairs professionals who use assessment strategies to understand their students’ learning, to graduate students and others who conduct research on the effectiveness of assessment processes and instruments, to institutional researchers who develop effective learning data systems. AALHE offers assessment practitioners a variety of ways to learn and share their thoughts about assessing and improving learning.
AALHE is independently incorporated, member-funded, non-profit entity recognized by the Commonwealth of Kentucky. AALHE is a charitable organization recognized as tax-exempt under the Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3).
 The materials on the AALHE website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.